I make video poems.
Video poems?
You've never seen video poems before?
Sure I have.
But I thought no one...
You think it's outdated.
- No. Not at all.
You would like to see mine?
- What? Now?
No. I have to prepare them first.
I'd like to select the best ones
because some are truly horrible.
What's going on?
- Someone's here. I have to go.
That's alright. We'll talk again later.
Well... yes.
I have to go to
my color-exchange tribe.
We're dealing with green and
it's an important color to me.
I see.
Can I call you tomorrow?
You'll be home?
I'm always home.
Tomorrow then.
Well. OK. Tomorrow.
Mr Thomas. It's fixed.
It wasn't easy. There was...
A plate was overheating.
I thought that was it.
but it wasn't at all.
It was the ceramic sensor...
OK. Fine. Thank you.
There. It's fixed.
- Great. Thank you.
OK. I'm going then.
You've reached Thomas Thomas.
I can't answer right now.
I'm here. Sorry.
I don't want to disturb you.
- I was held up.
I can call later.
- No. Really. It's OK.