Tomorrow then.
Well. OK. Tomorrow.
Mr Thomas. It's fixed.
It wasn't easy. There was...
A plate was overheating.
I thought that was it.
but it wasn't at all.
It was the ceramic sensor...
OK. Fine. Thank you.
There. It's fixed.
- Great. Thank you.
OK. I'm going then.
You've reached Thomas Thomas.
I can't answer right now.
I'm here. Sorry.
I don't want to disturb you.
- I was held up.
I can call later.
- No. Really. It's OK.
We don't have anything to say.
- No.
The situation's rather...
- Artificial.
It's like when I go to sweating tents.
- Swearing what?
No. Sweating tents.
It's that Amerindian thing.
You do that?
The company where I work
organizes that sometimes.
Don't you know what it is?
- Sure I do.
You've never been in one?
Me? No. Eight years ago.
it wasn't so common.
I've never seen the point. In fact.
The goal is to sweat together.
- To sweat together?
It's fashionable.
- I suppose so.