And now. I feel real bad.
Are you happy? Is that therapeutic?
I imagine you don't want to try again.
- At least not now.
I want you to stay out of my life.
You know that's impossible.
Your contract with Globale states that
as long as you don't get better...
I don't care!
Look. It's Mr...
- Thomas.
Mr Thomas. That's it.
You're lucky. I was about to close.
When it's time to go. You know.
- Sorry.
What can I do for you?
It's my vacuum-cleaner again.
Didn't I send you a repairman?
- Yes. Yes.
It should be repaired.
but when I turn it on.
there's a strange smell.
And there's smoke too.
We changed the ceramics?
- I think so.
Then. It's normal. There's always
smoke the first time.
Don't worry.
Thank you.
You don't look too well.
- I'm fine.
The vacuum cleaner
is not the reason. Is it?
I have other problems.
A woman. I bet.
- What makes you think that?
Only women can make us feel that way.
She dumped you?
It's a bit more complicated than that.
It's always complicated with them.
I say if they make you suffer.
they don't deserve you.
I wasn't in love anyway.
Then. You'll forget her soon enough.
- I guess.
Don't let it get you down.
Have some fun. Go to...
I mean. Do... I don't know.
what you enjoy doing.