
It'll be a full-scale
motherfucking court-martial.

Maybe a few years hard time in
Leavenworth. How's that fly, dipshit?

Discounting reception, basic training
corrective custody. . .

. . .been in the Army more than three
months. Most of it in the stockade.

SERGEANT: Get on that fucking deuce!
Get up on that deuce, boy!

You don't need no special
invitation, son!

Do as I ask! Hoist that
GI ass on that deuce!

Let's go. Get it done!
Get it done!

Private Bozz, Roland.
No middle initial.

You're going to infantry.
I bet my left nut
they bag and tag you in a week.

Any man tries that hard to get out
will never see home again.

I don't like the rehearsal,
so I'll skip the show.

Fuck you. Get on that deuce.
Let's go!

I got a buddy in Charlie Company
says he knows a fellow by that name.

Says he's the biggest fuckup
in the Army.

Clowning around and always acting
like fucking bozo.

WILSON: Article 1 5, recycled through
basic, all kinds of goldbrick shit.

Sounds to me like that fellow's
no more than a goddamn coward.

Afraid of Tigerland, huh?
Should be scared.

They hump your ass until it falls off.
-I heard a guy from Bravo died there.
-No, man, that's a rumor.
