PAXTON: My father said the Armymakes all men one.
But you never know which one.
He didn 't know Roland Bozz.
Get the fuck up!Come on.
Get your fucking low-life assesout of bed!
SGT. LANDERS: You got 1 5 minutes oryou'll do pushups until I pass out.
Let's go. Let's go.Get up! Let's go!
Get your socks on and get outside,you fucking pussies!
SOLDIER: Hurry up!-Move!
-Ain't got all day.SERGEANT: Move your ass, soldier.
INFANTRY:Richard Nixon, drop the bomb
SQUAD LEADER:I don 't wanna go to Nam
INFANTRY:I don 't wanna go to Nam
SERGEANT MP: Next time won't beno weekend in the stockade.