
In '67, when the call came,
we got sent off to Nam.

We had only been in country
a few days. We was green as grass.

We were in a two-man listening post,
talking just like we are here.

Kelly lit up a cigarette.
One minute we're naming
his unborn child. . .

. . .and the next second
his brains were in my lap.

The sniper zeroed in
on the cherry of his cigarette, Bozz.

Gentlemen, it's all about respect.
Respect for your superiors
and what they're trying to teach you.

Respect for yourselves and your unit.
And most important. . .
. . .respect the enemy.
You have 42 minutes. . .
. . .then the squad's on patrol.
Gentlemen, this is the best Vietnamese
village we could create for you. . .

. . .here on the base!
Now, listen. You're all gooks,
so nobody speaks English.

Anybody asks you a question
in English, you answer, "No bic. "

It means, "I don't speak" in gook-ese.
Let's hear it.

No bic.
Good. Private Bozz, you are
the only man that speaks English.

Speak only to the man who identifies
himself as interpreter. Understood?
