BOZZ: "Jim Paxton
on personal guide to pain. "
Get that fucking torch out of my face
and put that cigarette out.
You might as well
hang a big neon sign that says:
"Dumb-fuck grunts, right here. "
You broke light discipline.
Therefore, you're dead.
-Do you understand?
BOZZ: I'm still alive, sergeant.
-What did you say?
-I said, I'm still alive.
I miraculously survived the attack.
-You didn't get hit?
Are your friends alive?
Yeah, Paxton's good.
Johnson, he's good and he's good.
If you're gonna make up a story,
make up a happy one.
I ain't making anything up, son.
And in Vietnam there are no
happy fucking stories.
I had a best buddy, Kelly Morgan. . .
. . .that I went to AIT with.