When I want to.
Idea of killing dinks excite you?
Cease fire. Cease fire.
Get your targets, scumbags.
All clear.
SGT. THOMAS: You can't hit your
targets, there'll be hell to pay.
Shit, I do believe that's
Cantwell's target there, boys.
-Not a single bullet hole in it.
CANTWELL: Shut your face, Wilson.
Sgt. Thomas'll chew my ass for chow.
WILSON: You ain't gonna be making
any phone calls home.
You gonna be busy. All asses and
elbows, picking up ciggie butts.
You're a one-man campaign
to make the world uglier.
-I ain't afraid of you, Bozz.
-Yes, you are, Wilson.
-You're just too stupid to realize it.
-Okay then, Sunday school.
You're such a goddamn saint,
give Cantwell your target.
-I'll give him yours.
-You take that and I'll--
Jesus H. Christ, what's
the purpose of this clusterfuck?
-Wilson switched targets with Cantwell.
-That's true.
-That's bullshit.
-Lie down.
-Permission to--
-Now, shitbird!
Yes, sergeant.
You know why this man's on the ground?
Because he's dead!
He's dead.
And you can't bury him.
Do you know why?
-Why, sarge?
SGT. THOMAS: Because you're dead too!
You're all dead. . .
. . .because you don't know how
to fire weapons on semiautomatic.
Or how to hit Charlie
with short bursts. . .
. . .so your goddamn barrels
don't overheat.
And because this shitbag
can't hit his fucking target.
Any questions?
SOLDIERS: No, sergeant.
-I got a question.
If I'm dead, how come
I can ask you a question?
I know exactly what you're doing,
you pissant fairy.
I want you. . .
. . .and your two girlfriends here. . .
. . .to report to the mess sergeant
after chow tonight.
Get up, Lazarus.
You're resurrected.