. . .the best-equipped soldiers.
This base is the largest supplier
of combat troops overseas.
So don't let any man here
start having any little. . .
. . .pasty fucking daydreams
about being anyplace else.
I shit you not, gentlemen.
You are headed for
a two-way firing range.
You will be sent to the war.
You will be here for an
eight-week training cycle.
After that, you will remain here
for a week more.
We will ship you to an outpost
1 0 miles from here. . .
. . .that is known throughout the Army
as the second worst place on earth.
It is the stateside province
of Vietnam. . .
. . .and it is as close to the war
as we can make it.
Now, gentlemen,
it behooves you to learn. . .
. . .what little we can teach you here.
For if you do, then maybe. . .
. . .just maybe. . .
. . .you will return one day to play
stink-finger with Sally back home.
Let's get squared away.
Those of you not on detail
will have a pass for the weekend.
Training begins Monday at 0430.
From that time on, every
son of a bitch humps his own load.
-Sucky-sucky, baby?
-Oh, no, thank you.
There you go.
-You got a high sex drive.
-You're right.
Which line says that?
I'm no expert but it says
you're gonna have sex real soon.
-What about me?
-Sex for Sheri as well.