I understand your position. I ain't
trying to fuck things up for you.
You got your army to run and people
to kill. I'm not part of it.
Nobody quits the Army.
I'm not quitting. . .
. . .I'm just not playing.
What's your first name, sergeant?
Can I offer you a smoke?
What the fuck is wrong with you?!
-That doesn't fucking do it!
-No, sergeant!
That doesn't fucking do it!
Give me a fucking answer!
Now you listen to me, son.
I been to where you're going.
Over there, you go from
living to dead awful quick.
What I'm trying to teach you may
save your worthless life, maybe.
I tell you what. If you snap shit
and soldier like I know you can. . .
-. . .I'll forget about this.
Shit, even if I wanted to,
I'm not there anymore.
What kind of bullshit
statement is this?
Ezra, no.
It's just me.
Okay, Bozz, all right.
I'm gonna let you go.
But now it's you
and the CO, I'm out of it.
Soldier, this army's gonna come down
on your ass hard. Both feet.
You know that, don't you?
They'll push through your papers
and send you where the dying's sweet.
Is this a trick?
Trying to make me a hero
or something?
Well, good, Ezra.
Now you get your ass up and
join these men right now.
You're a big fucking baby!
Get out of my sight.
SOLDIER: What's he doing?