Yes, they are.
Hey, how you doing?
Keep your head down.
Fucking AWOL, piece of shit
son of a bitch.
That bag of shit of yours in the dirt.
Private Bozz is showing the
proper way to dig a hole under fire.
Under fire, you will fall
to the earth and lie flat.
Under fire, you will ask God
to remove your button. . .
. . .to get closer to the ground.
Under fire you will dig a hole
with your teeth if you have to.
Open your mouth.
Now, shitbird.
Do it! Eat dirt!
I don't hear you. "Yes, sergeant. "
-I'm still not hearing you.
-You wear a dress, sergeant?
-What did you say, you piece of crap?
-Go kiss my ass, sergeant!
You little finger-fucking cocksucker.
I will make you push Fort Polk
into the sea!
Sir, I already have a man in mind.
Thank you.
Eat dirt. Do it!
Do it! Eat dirt!
-Eat it!
SAUNDERS: Sergeant, that's enough.
Get these men moving.
Move it! You heard the man.
Let's move it! Get going!
Miter, you're the new platoon guide,
the 2nd Platoon.
Get Bozz in line.
If it don't happen. . .
. . .even Jesus won't be able
to save you, understand?
-Yes, sergeant.
-Have these men fall in and fall out.
Platoon, fall in.
Fall out to your weapons.
Bozz, Bozz, Bozz, Bozz,
Bozz, Bozz, Bozz!