Hey, fellas. Hey!
Look, all I know is that no one's
talked to me like that. . .
. . .since I got in this goddamned
green mean machine.
SOLDIER: Damn right.
SOLDIER: I attest to that.
So yeah, Bozz.
See what happens, baby.
What else they gonna do, send us
to Viet-fucking-Nam?
Too late for that.
Say, Bozz? Can I get a weekend pass?
Put your panties away,
your mama's panties.
BOZZ: They're your mama's panties.
You ain't been laid in three years.
Get me off this base, I'll show you!
Miter, baby, you gotta lay still.
Gotta lay still, man.
Take a deep breath.
Take this shit off.
You gotta relax.
-Shit, you gonna run again?
I hear people in New Orleans
help me get to Mexico.
It ain't that easy.
Army's got men, their whole job's
to look for you.
I don't care.
They'll catch you, bring you here
and put you in prison.