You best move, don't make me
have to thump you.
Want to go to military prison?
You're not that crazy.
Shut the fuck up!
Calm the fuck down, you'll wake
up Wilson. You don't want that.
Shit. What you gonna do now?
I'll bust my hand.
I'll bust my hand.
-Shit, man, that won't work.
I said, that won't work!
Bust my hand, they'll have to
let me out. Right?
-It ain't gonna work.
-Come on, Bozz!
Break my goddamn hand
so I can go home!
You know what I am, Bozz?
I'm a butcher.
Yeah, we all butchers.
No, I'm a real butcher.
-You haven't killed anyone yet.
-Goddamn it, I mean a real butcher!
Back home. I cut meat.
I do it damn fine too.
Did it in high school,
did it after high school.
I could cut you a piece of meat
so clean. . .
. . .it'll have you praying
to beefsteak.
I'm a good butcher, Bozz.
It's all I ever wanted to be.
You laughing at me?
No, Miter. I ain't laughing at you.
My wife, she laughed at me.
My daddy too.
I didn't make no money.
Just a store boy,
that's what my daddy said.
"Hey, store boy. Hey, boy! "
Called me boy. Imagine that? Shit
kicker, calling me boy all the time.