And he'll soldier then, by God.
Good or bad. Sure as shit.
Maybe not. Got Cantwell out.
Two other guys from his squad.
Every son of a bitch J.A.G. shrink
bleeding heart pissed down on us.
That's Bozz, sir.
X-ray vision for loopholes in the ARs.
Sergeant, we are losing a war.
The whole goddamn Army
is falling apart.
You want me to fiddle-fuck around
with one smart-ass barracks lawyer?
I think he's something more, sir.
-Is that all, sergeant?
-Yes, sir.
What the hell you doing, soldier?!
Goddamn it, Bozz!
You're supposed to strangle him,
not become his fuck buddy!
Yes, sergeant.
What the fuck you looking at,
you bunch of no-nut sad sacks?
Get your little pussies back to work!
You try that again,
you're gonna be pissing blood, Bozz.
Now get those little pussies
back to work. . .
. . .you bunch of sad sack,
no-nut fuckups!
Hey, Bozz, you did well by Cantwell.
He's two-stepping from the poorhouse
with a crazy wife. I envy him.
You saved his life.
Shit, sometimes when we talk,
my stomach hurts.
I don't care what you say.
You should feel good.
Good shit, pussy-fucking-coward.
I won't be proud until Wilson's out.