-She left me.
-That's why you joined the Army.
-Go on, confess.
-No, she broke it off when I enlisted.
-Didn't want to be a widow.
-She's got a point.
After all this bullshit. . .
. . .you still want to go kill women
and children in rice paddies?
-Come on, Paxton!
-Where you going, Bozz?
-I have no idea.
-We are gonna jump, my young friend!
-Shit, Bozz, I'm too drunk.
-Come on, Paxton.
-I'll break my neck.
I don't want to go without you,
All right, I see what this is.
This jump, it's like this
existential leap of faith.
I have no idea what that means.
We'll break those legs
and get out of the war.
-Okay, let's go.
-That's it, here we go.
-I'm ready.
-That's it.
It's gonna be on my count.
It'll be one, two, three.
-Let's break those legs.
-Okay, one!
-Was that the count?
-That was the count.
-Okay, okay.
-Here we go, here we go.
-Hot girl.
-Oh, yeah, hot girl.
On my count again, one, two, three.
Okay, one!
The legs won't move. Shit.
They're out for themselves.
Goddamn it.
If that bottle was a leg, we'd be
out of the war about now.
-Looks like that would really hurt.
-Oh, fuck.
Canadian Atlantic Railway.
There's your ride out of here, Bozz.
Go to Canada and live with
a fucking moose? No way, man.
Mexico, that's where I'd disappear to.
Can't you just smell it?