Rise and shine, gentlemen!
Let's go, gentlemen! Roll 'em!
Let's go! Move! Get on your feet!
I know you're tired, but you'll be
doing a lot of this in the next year!
If you're not. . .
-. . .then you're in a body bag.
-Where's Bozz?
Waiting for a dust-off.
Where is your squad leader?
Is this his weapon?
Does anybody know
where your squad leader is?
Where is he, Johnson?
-Where is your weapon, Private Bozz?
-Right here, sarge.
I know that.
The next time you decide
to take a piss or a fucking shit. . .
. . .you make sure you have your weapon.
Your weapon is your lifeline.
Why didn't you have it?
I was gonna make a break for Mexico.
I didn't think I'd need it.
Very funny.
You take point.
Paxton, take slack. Johnson, drag.
The rest of you fall in behind.
Listen up.
You'll square off
against the boys from yesterday.
They may have booby traps.
They may have forward observers
They may do all manner of shit
that you don't know.