PAXTON: Let him go! You're gonna
hurt him, Bozz, let him go!
Let him go, Bozz!
Let him go! Come on! Get off!
Goddamn it!
Damn you, Paxton. Let them fight.
Shut the fuck up.
You know he deserved every bit of it!
Took four hours for
my nose to stop bleeding.
Get off it, Wilson!
You had it coming, man!
-I was just fucking with him.
-If Paxton here had kept quiet. . .
. . .boy, you'd be in hell right now,
sure as shit!
If I knew Bozz would stop,
I wouldn't have said anything.
Apologize, Bozz.
Get off it.
You heard me, Bozz.
You apologize to me right now.
Yeah, Bozz. Apologize to the man.
Say, "I'm sorry I didn't
kill your ass! "
Think that's funny?
You tried to embarrass me in front
of every fucking person here.
Cease firing!
Clear your weapons!
Weapons clear.
Next group on the line, let's move!
Next group on the line!