No, it wasn't.
Somebody had to take your place.
Last chance.
Don't make me bring the war to you.
Write me when you get there.
This is it, man.
No more phony Army buddy crap.
Go home.
Live a long time.
Try not to be too much of an asshole.
I'm gonna write
a whole book about this.
Tell everyone about you.
Sergeant Thomas. . .
. . .sorry for my misbehavior earlier.
Real sorry.
See you back here. Take care.
-Watch your back.
JOHNSON: See you.
-I'll write a book about you, Bozz!
-No, you won't.
Come on, quit playing.
That's my journal.
Jesus! Bozz!
Come on, quit fucking around.
That's my book!
What are you doing? Shit!
Stop the bus!
Oh, Bozz, what is this shit?
I never saw Bozz again.
Some guys said he died in Nam...
...but he was never listed.
Some said he just
disappeared over there.
One guy called and said
he thought he saw him in Mexico...
... with a beautiful woman.