But I know you for what you are.
You are a coward.
You're a born leader and you're afraid
to take any real responsibility!
That's why you dropped out of school,
why you drop out of everything!
You're pissing your life away!
I don't need the fucking Army. . .
. . .and I don't need the war
to tell me that, sir!
Get on your feet, soldier.
I don't want you in a stockade.
I don't want you recycled.
I don't want you drummed out
on some bad conduct discharge.
I want you exactly where you are.
And we'll just naturally chew you up.
I'll take care of Wilson.
You get the fuck out of my face.
Sure glad they got Wilson's ass out.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
-Shut your fucking mouth.
-You shut the fuck up.
-Guys, relax.
-I ain't starting.
You already got your ass beat once.
-Just watch your back in Tigerland.
-I'll do that.
I guess I'm supposed to joke
about how I owe you my life.
-He almost killed you.
-You jealous?
You wanted to know what it was like.
What what was like?
The great lesson
of being close to death.
Know what I know?
Same thing you know.
We're in a real bad way.