- You ready?
- Tek, I'll lead you in.
- I'll stay here.
- Tek, you can't.
Take care of the kid.
He's not all grown up yet.
- No, no, no, no. You're coming.
- Go, Cale. I'll read about you.
Follow me!
- Well, this would be good
if we had any baking to do.
Oh, my food!
You guys are- You're terrible.
You're unsanitary.
Ooh, I hope that they catch you,
and I'll test if ya gainst you,
and you'll never get out of jail.
- Hey, you'll get
all the ketchup you want.
- Drej! Ooh, I gotta go now.
- Follow ugly!
Oh, great. Yeah, no one would ever
think of looking for us in the vent.
- Go! Go!
He's the big- I'm not supposed to be here!
Come on! I'm just a cook!
How do I get out of here? How do I get
out? Why is this happening tome?
Stupid- Please- Stupid- No!
Hi. They went right down there.
They came into my kitchen and-
We gotta
get outta here.
Go! Run!
- Over.
- Huh?
- Maybe next time, kid.
- Hey, I can fly it too.
- It won't start.
I got an idea.
Give it a shot.