Once in a great while,mankind unlocks a secret so profound...
that our futureis altered forever.
Fire. Electricity.
Splitting the atom.
At the dawn of the 31st century,we unlocked another.
It had the potential to changehumanity's role in the universe.
We called it the Titan project,and it was a testament...
to the limitless powerof the human imagination.
Perhaps that is whatthe Drej feared most,
for it brought them downupon us without warning...
and without mercy.
Cale, that day, the daythe Drej descended from the sky,
the only thing that matteredwas keeping you safe.
Hey, stop!Come on!
- Cale, are you all right?
I'm okay.
Dad,my invention broke.
Well, then, we'll fix it together,but not today, Cale. We have to go now.