- How ya hittin' 'em, Chowquin?
- Hey- Chow- Chowquin.
- Wait.
Hey, it's me. It's Cale, all right?
I'm not with those losers.
Humans wait.
- Uppity Earth scum.
- Guess you're stuck with us losers.
- Don't count on it.
- You wait in line, pal.
I'm takin' the express.
-* Cosmic castaway*
-* Yeah*
- Go through the docks,
you'll get yourself killed.
Coward. You know, the odds of a ship
docking are a thousand to one.
-* Yeah, a cosmic castaway**
- And that would be the one.
- Hi.
Hey, wh- Hey!
- We're locked down, Captain.
All right. Keep her hot.
I'll be in touch.
- How you doin' today? Workin'
hard, are you? Bon appetite.
Next! Keep the line moving.
Here you go.
- Akrennian Beetle Sushimi.
- You got ketchup?
Ketchup? Ketchup? You don't need
ketchup. Please, next. Move along.
He's a disgrace.
Those dirty humans.
Ketchup! Boy, some nerve,
human. Nice head, human.
I'm not askin' that much.
I'd just like them to kill my food
before they serve it to me.
- I do an honest day's work.
I want already dead food.
- Mm.
- Is that too much to ask?
- Do you hear a crackling sound?
- And what was up with Chowquin?
- You should've seen him.
- Ha-ha, not much chance of that.
- He was so out of control,
treatin' me like I'm some-
- Human?