Hey, wh- Hey!
- We're locked down, Captain.
All right. Keep her hot.
I'll be in touch.
- How you doin' today? Workin'
hard, are you? Bon appetite.
Next! Keep the line moving.
Here you go.
- Akrennian Beetle Sushimi.
- You got ketchup?
Ketchup? Ketchup? You don't need
ketchup. Please, next. Move along.
He's a disgrace.
Those dirty humans.
Ketchup! Boy, some nerve,
human. Nice head, human.
I'm not askin' that much.
I'd just like them to kill my food
before they serve it to me.
- I do an honest day's work.
I want already dead food.
- Mm.
- Is that too much to ask?
- Do you hear a crackling sound?
- And what was up with Chowquin?
- You should've seen him.
- Ha-ha, not much chance of that.
- He was so out of control,
treatin' me like I'm some-
- Human?
Don't start with
that solidarity thing again.
- If you would study
human history as instructed,
you might realize you're not
alone out there, and you'd be
better prepared for the future.
- I'll tell you somethin'
about your famous future.
- Mmm.
Every day I wake up, it's still the
present, the same grimy, boring present.
I don't think
this future thing exists.
- Do you hear a crackling sound?
- Here we go.
- We gotta get outta this dump.
- Hold on, everybody! I got it!
Please don't panic.
Just think of it as floating time.
Two seconds. Everybody calm.
Ah. Just needed some love.
Let's get back to eatin' baby.
Okay. Well, I'm full.