*My father will be
with me tonight*
* Ooh, I'm right on target*
*It's my time to fly*
*My father will be
with us tonight*
*It's my time to fly*
*My father will be
with me tonight*
*My father will be
with me tonight*
* Ooh, we're right on target*
*It's my time to fly*
*My father will be
with me tonight*
* Ooh*
* We're right on target**
- Thank you.
- I knew you could handle this old bird.
No, I mean,
thank you for-
Thank you for trying to find me.
It's more than my father ever did.
Your father was a great man,
- He would've been proud of ya.
- You really think so?
- Trust me.
Thanks. Thanks.
You know, I-
I miss him.
Me too.