Perhaps that is what
the Drej feared most,
for it brought them down
upon us without warning...
and without mercy.
Cale, that day, the day
the Drej descended from the sky,
the only thing that mattered
was keeping you safe.
Hey, stop!
Come on!
- Cale, are you all right?
I'm okay.
my invention broke.
Well, then, we'll fix it together,
but not today, Cale. We have to go now.
Dad, where's
everybody going?
We're leaving too.
We all have to go somewhere safe.
Professor Tucker! The Drej
have reached the global defense system!
Come on, son.
Will we get the people away in time?
- Not if we sit here talking, sir.
- I wanna drive.
- When you're older, kid.
- I'm older than four.
- Hang on!
- Please
proceed to your designated-
- Is the Titan prepped?
-Just waiting for you, sir!
- Intelligence says the Drej
don't know the Titan's location,
or we would've
been hit already.
Let's pray
they're right!