Dad, where's
everybody going?
We're leaving too.
We all have to go somewhere safe.
Professor Tucker! The Drej
have reached the global defense system!
Come on, son.
Will we get the people away in time?
- Not if we sit here talking, sir.
- I wanna drive.
- When you're older, kid.
- I'm older than four.
- Hang on!
- Please
proceed to your designated-
- Is the Titan prepped?
-Just waiting for you, sir!
- Intelligence says the Drej
don't know the Titan's location,
or we would've
been hit already.
Let's pray
they're right!
Enemy warships
have entered our solar system.
Are we going in that?
- Wow!
- Cale,
I have to go
on a different ship.
- I have to go away for a while.
No, Dad! No!
- Tek is going to look after you.
- But I wanna go with you!
- Sir-
- I know.
It's not safe where I'm going.
-Sir! Professor!
- I'm coming!
Cale, here. Take this.
As long as you wear it, there's hope.
- I will see you again. I promise.
- Okay.
- Cale, it's time. Cale-
- No, it's not okay! It's not okay!
- Tek, keep him safe!
- Daddy!
- Korso, go!
- Come back!
-Evacuate! Evacuate!
- Godspeed, Sam Tucker!