two little birdies itchy to fly.
- How long were they standing there?
- Long enough.
You lied?
Everything you said?
Everything you told me?
Not everything.
Your father hid his ship,
then the Drej killed him,
all because he couldn't face the truth.
- Yeah? What is the truth?
- That the human race is out of
gas. It's circling' the drain.
It's finished.
The only thing that matters
is grabbin' what you can...
before somebody else
beats you to it.
No, I don't believe that!
Then you're even more like
your father than I thought. A fool.
- Cale!
- Uh-uh-uh.
- Akima, come on!
- Stop them.
Stay on 'em.
I'll lock it down.
- Hurry!
- Go! Go!
- Akima! Akima?
Let's go.
We got a ship to find.
Let's get airborne,
- Where's Cale and Akima?
- They're not coming.
- Why not?
- Because they're afraid.
Afraid? What exactly are they afraid of?
afraid of what might happen
if my command was ever questioned.
- Get it?
- Got it.
- Got a problem with that?