Under Suspicion

Look! This is nothing less than assault
and battery, and I have witnesses!

- Witnesses to what?
- You knocked me down the stairs!

- You attempted to escape!
- That's bullshit!

Come on!
- Let's go have a serious discu--
-Just cut the crap.

- What?
- Henry, people are depending on you.

- Shut up. Just shut up.
- Shut up, Julio.

Do you mind?
you're looking lovely, as usual.

- Henry, is everything okay?
- Yes, fine.

Thank you very much.
It's all right.
Isabella, hola.
Just pray that I'm guilty
of killing those girls...

because if I am,
then your boys worked over a monster.

It'll be brushed under the carpet. But
if I'm not, the monster changes sides.

just give us that money smile.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Happy San Sebastian.
I'm proud to introduce a man...
who along with his lovely wife
Chantal Hearst...

has championed many charity causes
in Puerto Rico.

And in the wake of Hurricane Lucy,
we need him more than ever.

So, Henry, get over here
and empty these people's pockets.

Where's his fucking hair?
Had the damn thing upside down.
Thank you very much
for coming tonight.

Where you been?
Got a lot of catchin' up to do.
