You sent for me,
Monsieur Vatel?
Food for cattle.
Now we can feed cattle
through the Winter...
instead of having
to slaughter them every year.
How many varieties
of pears are there?
There are 5OO different
kinds of pear.
This is the best one.
Its name is?
-Bon Chrétien d'hiver.
-It was known to the Romans.
When I'm rich,
I'd like a garden like yours.
I hope so, Colin.
I hope so.
Bravo, Colin.
You made a good choice.
The King will be pleased.
don't leave the kitchen
without my order. Colin?
They were badly packed...
and the roads were bad.
Monsieur Vatel.
I am the valet
of the Marquis de Lauzun.
-My commiseration.
-Thank you.