April the 10th, 1671.
Monsieurle Prince de Condé...
His Majesty gives me reason to believethat he would graciously accept an...
invitation to vislt you at Chantilly.The visit will last three days.
The king instructs me to say thathe wants no fuss.
Merely the simple pleasuresof life in the country.
I not her words, if you value HisMajesty´s favor,you will set no limlt...
to the extravagance andingenulty of festivities.
I´ll present my self before handto approve the arrangements.
Marquis de Lauzun...
in the service of His MajestyLouis the 14th,of France.
My dear Master Steward,Monsieur Vatel.
Good new sand bad news.
His Majesty arriveson Thursday.
I can´t emphasize enoughthe importance ofhis visit.
A dropped wine glassoran uncomfortable cushion...
would spell disasterto ourentire province.
The good news is that we maygo to war with Holland.