In truth, the Duc de La Tremoille
behaves like a pig.
I thank you, Madame.
The poorest of poor of Chantilly
picked those flowers...
just for a few ''sous''...
to make the trees pretty for
His Majesty. And did so on credit.
But the poor are happy
to be the King's creditors.
-It 's an honor they never dreamed of.
-Of course.
Both my parents were so honored,
they died of it.
The Prince's birds.
Oh, God! I can't believe this!
-Where are my birds?
-By order of the Vicomte I let them go!
What Vicomte?
The Vicomte d'Amboise, Doctor,
and his sister. They ordered me.
But they are children!
They are little children!
-But he is still a Vicomte, doctor!
-These were the birds of the Prince.
What am I going to do?
I mean, it is a disaster.
I specifically ordered those thrushes
and larks for the Prince's gout!
His gout is giving him agony today.
What am I going to do?
Use something else.
Use something else?
Use something else...
The heart torn
from the living bird...
is the only treatment for gout.
Everyone knows that.
-Why not chickens?
He's a Prince! Chicken's hearts
wouldn't even cure a peasant.
Monsieur Vatel!