We are two tables short.
They gave us the wrong numbers.
Give me that!
-Bring me some mushrooms.
-Edouard! Mushrooms!
Condé has won 4O,OOO pistols
from the King.
Colbert must be furious.
By losing a little
you might have won more.
By winning a little
you might lose everything.
Is the Prince
losing its Chateau?
Not if he plays his cards wrong.
Your Majesty.
Madame de Montausier.
Condé's demands are excessive.
-You mean, he knows his price.
Of course, if there were
to be awar...
As yet there is no war.
My envoys from Holland...
may well bring terms we can accept.
I would prefer that.
It is not rational for
two rich countries to make war.
My dear Colbert, our destinies
are not ruled by reason.
Lust for power, like any lust,
is seated at least according to...
the latest medical knowledge,
in the liver.
Although, personally...
it hasn't been my experience.