We're only 500 feet from
the bottleneck. Let's keep going.
Let's go.
980 hecto-Pascals and falling.
Lenticular cloud to the southeast.
Winds at 80 knots, rising.
Tom says he's going on.
What's base camp pressure?
Pressure's dropped two points
in four hours.
You made your case. We listened.
We decided.
It's too high a risk. Why am I here
if you don't listen to me?
I'll assess the risk. As to why
you're here, I wonder myself.
I'm Annie's brother.
McLaren's pulling them back, right?
We're on target. They're going on.
The wind's hit to the south.
What's your satellite show?
We've assessed the data.
We're going up.
It shows bad air coming in from India.
What the hell are you doing?
-How high are they?
-What are you doing?!
-Warning my sister!
Leave it! That's enough!
Tom McLaren, come in.
Tom McLaren, this is base camp.
Do you copy?
Tom McLaren, do you read?
Come in, base.
You've got a major storm coming in.
You've gotta start down.
Who is this?
Peter Garrett.
You copy about the storm?
Where's Frank Williams?
Put Frank Williams on.