I'm Annie's brother.
McLaren's pulling them back, right?
We're on target. They're going on.
The wind's hit to the south.
What's your satellite show?
We've assessed the data.
We're going up.
It shows bad air coming in from India.
What the hell are you doing?
-How high are they?
-What are you doing?!
-Warning my sister!
Leave it! That's enough!
Tom McLaren, come in.
Tom McLaren, this is base camp.
Do you copy?
Tom McLaren, do you read?
Come in, base.
You've got a major storm coming in.
You've gotta start down.
Who is this?
Peter Garrett.
You copy about the storm?
Where's Frank Williams?
Put Frank Williams on.
Skip here. We're looking
at the weather screens.
If this doesn't turn, you'll be in
big trouble. Turn back immediately.
Do you copy?
Yeah, I copy that.
Thanks, Skip. Out.
How we doing?
I'm pulling the plug.
We're going down.
-Just hold on.
-I'm sorry, Elliot.
You pay me to make these decisions.
I'm paying you to get me to the top.
Jesus! Elliot, you told me
I was in charge up here.
You are! Why are you vacillating?
Because some second-rate guide
got on the radio?
Nobody knows this mountain better
than Skip.
Skip Taylor's a hustler. He was
jockeying me to be in your boots.
Don't crap out on me now.
Come on, what did you think?
She'd just lift up her skirt
and pull her panties down for us?
Is this how you got up Everest twice?
I'm going down.