and he wasn't happy.
H e made these links
with the Loyalists
and he helps them out.
Thinks he can piss on the IRA.
So, a car gets parked
in front of my house,
to make it look like
I'm involved.
It's like those Russian dolls,
unscrew one and there's
another little fellow inside.
You have a fabulous bum.
I suppose you hear that
all day from O'Fagan.
Now look here--
Get your ass over here,
I want to talk to you.
It's bad enough having to deal
with a shite like O'Fagan,
with you pretending
to be jealous.
She says I'm pretending
it makes her feel better.
O'Fagan's an oaf.
You could dress him up, but you
couldn't take him out for dinner.
You're not serious.
No, I'm not serious, no.
I rely on you to tell me
if I need to be.
You are going to get a smack
in a minute.
Now you're talking.
Shut up.
I can hear your brain
and it irritates me.
- What's it say?
- Same as my own, nothing.
No forensics, no door to door,
no witnesses of any kind.
Are we the only ones
working around here?
Yup, I've got more
bad news for you.
- Splendid.
- I mean, lousy.
Later today, Dave Hackett,
gets out of prison.
I knew you'd be pleased.
- You're joking me.
- No joke.
Ten years commuted to four,
paroled after two.
Actually, that is a joke,
isn't it?
I spent five years of my life
putting that little fucker away.
I know.