I rely on you to tell me
if I need to be.
You are going to get a smack
in a minute.
Now you're talking.
Shut up.
I can hear your brain
and it irritates me.
- What's it say?
- Same as my own, nothing.
No forensics, no door to door,
no witnesses of any kind.
Are we the only ones
working around here?
Yup, I've got more
bad news for you.
- Splendid.
- I mean, lousy.
Later today, Dave Hackett,
gets out of prison.
I knew you'd be pleased.
- You're joking me.
- No joke.
Ten years commuted to four,
paroled after two.
Actually, that is a joke,
isn't it?
I spent five years of my life
putting that little fucker away.
I know.
That's two and a half times
the sentence he's served.
What the fuck is going on,
We've got criminals being
murdered in broad daylight,
superintendents covering
their arses in velvet,
judges telling us
we can't hold suspects,
and journalists up
our fucking nostrils,
and now they're letting
Dave Hackett out of prison?
This is a great job, isn't it?
Fucking magnificent.
- I'll tell you what.
- What?
We'll put a frightener
on Hackett.