When the Sky Falls

You're late.
Two years, it's a long,
bleedin' time, huh?

You get used to anything
if you have to.

You'll be pumping something
better than your fist tonight.

It's all taken care of.
I hope you're not talking
about my wife.

I think you owe
me money, Jamie.

- I'll get it for you.
- H eard it before.

N ext week, I promise.
You better,
'cause otherwise
you'll be cleaning your teeth

by shoving a toothbrush
up your ass.

You got it?
That's Hackett's car.
Oh ! Metallic paint job.
- N ice touch.
- For fuck's sake.

Walnut interior,
leather upholstery, the works.

Go home.
You're tired.
Take the night off.

N ight off?
Half 1 2:00, let's go out.

- Shag the dog for me.
- I will.

- Sorry, bub. Full up.
- Not anymore you're not.
