I think you owe
me money, Jamie.
- I'll get it for you.
- H eard it before.
N ext week, I promise.
You better,
'cause otherwise
you'll be cleaning your teeth
by shoving a toothbrush
up your ass.
You got it?
That's Hackett's car.
Oh ! Metallic paint job.
- N ice touch.
- For fuck's sake.
Walnut interior,
leather upholstery, the works.
Go home.
You're tired.
Take the night off.
N ight off?
Half 1 2:00, let's go out.
- Shag the dog for me.
- I will.
- Sorry, bub. Full up.
- Not anymore you're not.
Turn over there,
Mr. Hackett.
There you go.
Hoped you enjoyed that,
did you, darling?
Mary, it's been two years
without nothing. Mary!
This next song is for
my boyfriend, Mickey,
who's always so good to me.
Thank you, Mickey.
Don't know when
I've been so blue
Don't know what's
Come over you
You found someone new
And don't it make
my brown eyes blue?