When the Sky Falls

Scrub till you bleed,
is that the plan?

Do you have a better one?
but I don't want a row.

I saw some pretty grim
stuff today.

Wanting to make myself clean
isn't exactly hysterical.

What do you mean
you don't want to row?

Do I have a better plan?

Am I gonna mention it?

I shouldn't have to.
I would have hoped you were
already considering it.

I am not giving up this story.
I'm not asking you to,
I'm asking as a marital courtesy

that you at least
accept the fact it might be

the right thing
to do for Colum.

For us.
I'm not asking you to do it.
I'm not that fucking stupid.

Can't stop.
I can't stop.

- I know.
- I mean, not just this.

I mean, anything can't stop.
I just got to be hurtling
forward with a great commotion

and everyone pointing at me
shouting, ''Look! ''

When I'm with you, I feel like
I'm really worth something.

You do?
- Run the picture.
- Sinead is adamant about this.

- H is identity needs protecting.
- Adamant?

We're not here to protect
people's identities.

We're here to sell newspapers.
Since when did one of your foot
soldiers decide to become adamant?

Since she increased
our circulation by 30% .

She has a phone and a car.
She doesn't even have
a desk here.
