When the Sky Falls

Can't stop.
I can't stop.

- I know.
- I mean, not just this.

I mean, anything can't stop.
I just got to be hurtling
forward with a great commotion

and everyone pointing at me
shouting, ''Look! ''

When I'm with you, I feel like
I'm really worth something.

You do?
- Run the picture.
- Sinead is adamant about this.

- H is identity needs protecting.
- Adamant?

We're not here to protect
people's identities.

We're here to sell newspapers.
Since when did one of your foot
soldiers decide to become adamant?

Since she increased
our circulation by 30% .

She has a phone and a car.
She doesn't even have
a desk here.

In one year, she has turned
crime reporting on its head !

People buy the bloody paper
just for her.

So when she asks me
to do something,

I listen.
- Okay.
- Pull the picture?

Yeah, for now.
They're using you, Sinead.
- Seamus.
- They're all using you--

the cops, the thugs,
your editors.

I'm just speaking
as a fellow hack.

You turn around and judge
whoever you want to be guilty.

Ever heard of the presumption
of innocence?

You write about The Commandant,
you write about The Runner--

wankers against whom
no charges have been made.

Can I tell you something?
A journalist a couple of years
and you know it all.

This shit's been happening for
1 5 years, did you report it then?


Because it was working class kids
passing the stuff among themselves.

Who gives a flying fuck
about them?
