- [ Man ] What do you want ?
- Uh,
I'm lookin' for--
for a book.
What kind of book ?
About-- about trees.
Trees ?
You know.
Forestry? Environment ?
Agriculture ? Botany?
What do you want to know about trees ?
Well, a few weeks ago
somebody gave me a buckeye tree.
Buckeye--horse chestnut--
belongs to the genus Aesculus,
of the family Hippocastanaccae.
I-I think it's dyin'-- my tree. I could
show it to the people who gave it to me,
but I'm embarrassed to let them
see how sick I let it get.
- There. Look up ''buckeye'' in the index.
- The what ?
I'll start slower.
These are called ''books.''
- Are you still with me ? Here.
- Hey.
Uh, there. See ? Read.
'' Leaf rot. Root damage.
Nit-- Nitro--
'' Nit-- Nitrogen d-- def--
[ Sighs ]
- ''Defic--''
- Deficiency ! Keep reading.
Also buckeye--
[ Glass Breaks,
Woman Cries Out ]
Excuse me.
[ Door Opens ]
Well, I don't know
how I could have made such a mistake.