[ Liquid Dripping ]
[ Man ] You're gonna actually drive thisdeathtrap from Tennessee to California ?
- You're sayin'I'm not ?- I'm sayin'you won't
make it past that tree.
- Hey, Novalee, you plannin'on leavin' today ?
- In the bathroom, WillyJack.
Why don't she just move into the damn bathroom ?
- Get all those picturesand knickknacks.
- I'm ready.
- I'm ready to go.- Now, hold on, hold on.
Now I gotta go.
- We'll miss you, Novalee.- You know the floor's missin'.
WillyJack got the whole car for 80bucks. He had to fix everything on it.
And here's the best part.No fives.
- You and your fives.- What fives ?
On my fifth birthday, my mamaran off with a baseball umpire
named Fred and never came back.
After I dropped out of schooland was waitin'tables at Red's,
one of the regulars therenamed Gladys went crazy.
When I tried to calm her downshe jumped at me with a steak knife...
and cut me from my wristto my elbow.
And what's thatgot to do with fives ?
It took 5 stitchesto close her up.
I don't like fives.
- That's it. Let's hit it.Let's go, let's go !
- Hon,
will you take a picture of uswith my new camera ?
- Wait !- All around, let's go.
Come on, come on !
- I'm gonna miss you. Call me, okay ?- All right. Bye.
All right. Bye.
-Jesus, finally. It's already 5:00.- 5:00 ?