- [ Fussing ]
- Oh.
So, what are you
gonna name her ?
Oh, that's right.
[ Lexie ] ''Americus''? How the hell'd
you come up with a name like Americus ?
[ Novalee ] I wanted her
to have a strong name,
a name that stood for somethin'.
- Ooh. Aw.
- [ Baby Crying ]
Well, I guess I should talk.
I call my kids after snack foods:
Brownie, Praline,
Cherry and Baby Ruth.
- You got four ?
You don't look old enough.
- Yep.
Well, I started when I was 1 5,
and I just couldn't stop.
I wanted to find the first one
a daddy, but all I got
out of that was another baby.
So, I wanted to find 'em both
a daddy, and so on, and so on.
- I think I'm goin' about this
the wrong way.
- [ Chuckles ]
Hey ! There she is !
That's the Wal-Mart mommy !
Now, how long were you
living in the Wal-Mart ?
Uh, uh,
- six weeks.
- And what was it like ?
You know.
[ Giggles ]
Have you spoken
to the father?
Novalee, if I was you,
I'd rule out a career in broadcastin'.
- Why would anyone
write anything so hurtful ?
- What's it say ?
''A baby born out of holy wedlock
is an abomination in the eyes of God.''
- [ Sighs ]
- My baby is not an abomination.
- Screw 'em.
- Midnight, Mississippi.
Oh, my.
This one's sad.
''I gave birth to a baby in a V.W. van
where I lived for nearly a year.''
[ Sighs ] '' My baby didn't make it.
I hope yours does.
I don't have much else to offer you,
but I know that some money might help,
so I enclose $1 0.''