Have already come true
Look inside
and find the part
That's leadin' you
That's the beat of the heart
No one
Can tell you
how to get there
It's a road you take
All by yourself
Come on, Americus. Sing with me.
- All by yourself
- All by yourself
Oh, that song !
All your heart
- Hold it in--
- [ Radio Stops ]
- It's catchy.
- I don't know.
Something about that guy's voice
just rubs me the wrong way.
Americus, honey,
what are you doing ?
- Eatin' dough in my nose.
- Don't.
Forney's outside waitin'.
[ Giggling ]
How do I look ?
Great. How do I look ?
Nervous ?
- [ Forney ] Are you ready to go ?
- Forney !
- Oh !
- Pony ride !
Well, if it doesn't rain.
It can't rain.
I'm shootin'
an outdoor wedding.
Do I look professional ?
- You know what would help ?
- What ?
If you brought your camera.
Mama didn't say, ''Shit.''
- Yes you did.
- Here you go.
Now you take some beautiful picture
of that weddin'. You look wonderful.
- Drive careful, all right ?
- Bye, baby.
- Bye.
- Bye. Good luck.
- Say bye to Mama. Bye.
- Bye.
- [ Americus ] Bye. Bye, Mama.
- [ Sister ] Good luck.
- [ Forney ] Bye.
- Bye.
[ Wind Blowing ]