Where the Heart Is

- Things went well ?
- You bet.

Oh, I-I gotta go.
- Oh, you've got a big date
or something ?
- No.

Oh, because I thought you were
sort of seeing somebody, or--

No, that's done. That's finished.
I am done with guys like that.

- Like what ?
- You know-- good-lookin', cocky,

look great in tight jeans
and a white t-shirt.

Those guys are
all wrong for me, Forney.

I don't want that anymore.
I want a change.

- No more men at all.
- Oh.

[ Crashing ]
Forney, help me.
[ Sighs ]
All right. Here.

Who's that ?
Novalee, I'd like you
to meet my sister.

This is
Mary Elizabeth Hull.

She's the librarian.
Mary Elizabeth's
a lot older than I am.

I was still just a kid
when she started drinking.

Oh, you're underselling that.
[ Chuckles ]

I was about ten, I guess,
the first time my father put her away.

- Away ? Where ?
- In a sanitorium back east.

So, what exactly
are you looking for ?

Well, I'm lookin' for a gift
for Sister and Mr. Sprock.

- It's their anniversary.
- Anniversary ?

Yeah, they've been...
close for six years.

So anyway, I was back east
at college, and--

- College ?
- Yeah, I was studying
to be a history teacher,
