I don't know...
I think that blond one's
kind of a hottie.
Yeah, right.
What are you talking about?
Im not even sure
if they can handle me.
Go get them, tiger.
You can have him.
Those chicks are all over me, man.
Im going in.
Brad! Brad! Brad!
Have we met before?
Excuse me?
-Im sure Ive met you before.
-I don't think so.
Through a friend or something.
She's not interested, okay?
Just go.
What's your name?
Maybe it'll come back to me.
Im really not interested, so...
Im sorry, you just look like
one of my sister's friends
and I wanted to come over
and say hi. Sorry.
Wait a minute. Who's your sister?
You're Jen's brother?
I knew I recognized you
from those pictures.
I haven't seen Jenny
since college.
How did you know to say Jen?
Every chick's got a friend
named Jen. Its common.
Its like Peter.
She didn't ask you your last name?
She wanted me so bad,
all she needed was the link.
So then what?
I fed her some more bullshit
about Jenny
and after twenty minutes
she was begging to join me
in the stabbin' cabin.
a very stylin' place you have.
-Not half as stylin' as you.
She's all over me.
She's so fired up
and raring to go.
She's like a fucking
gorilla on Ecstasy.