You're Jen's brother?
I knew I recognized you
from those pictures.
I haven't seen Jenny
since college.
How did you know to say Jen?
Every chick's got a friend
named Jen. Its common.
Its like Peter.
She didn't ask you your last name?
She wanted me so bad,
all she needed was the link.
So then what?
I fed her some more bullshit
about Jenny
and after twenty minutes
she was begging to join me
in the stabbin' cabin.
a very stylin' place you have.
-Not half as stylin' as you.
She's all over me.
She's so fired up
and raring to go.
She's like a fucking
gorilla on Ecstasy.
Im in Brad heaven,
just about to get smoked...
when all of a sudden,
she started cleaning my tailpipe.
Man, that's awesome.
Its not awesome,
it's fucking disgusting.
She tossed your salad.
That's right out of a porno film.
Do you realize how much
people pay for that?
That's got to be the best
blowjob story yet.
No, moron, you're missing the point.
She passed over my dick
and went straight for the ass.
Why complain? Some people wait
their whole lives for a rimmer.
Yeah, well...
you guys know how bad
my stomach is, right?
Im constantly taking
sloppy dumps and shit.
That's her problem, not yours.
It became my problem.