she asked me to bring
the video camera.
You know what you got to do?
Show up at her house with
some wine and flowers and shit.
With a video camera.
Of course with a video camera.
-Why are you feeding him bullshit?
-What made you a fucking pro?
I know what Im talking about.
You get some cheap wine,
like Dunwood.
Its got a nice label,
so it looks expensive.
You can get it on sale
for like $9.99.
and some cheap roses,
and you'll be doing
the bone dance in no time.
He should take advice from you.
What do you know about women?
You're married, for chrissakes!
Think I don't know what women want?
Now Im married, Im more
sensitive to a woman's needs.
Wait, wait. Dunwood?
The shit works every time.
Im waiting a week or two
before I call my chick.
You know,...
get her all moist so she's
begging for my love.
lf you like this woman, call her
right away, make her feel special.
Pipe it, toughie.
I don't need your bullshit advice.
Yeah, shut the fuck up.
He's right.
You should call her tonight.
Maybe we could all do something
together this week.
Don't get faggy on me.
I don't want your lame ass
ruining my chances on some clam.
Im waiting a week.
Id get the nice guy date
out of the way as soon as possible.
-The nice guy date?
The filler, to show her
what a nice guy you are.
So she lets you hit it on the next.
How many dates does it take
for you to bone?
lf I don't hit on the first,
which is rare, on the second.
But by rule, if I don't get it
on the third, I never call her.
Definitely not worth the time
after the third.
It always takes me a few months.
Come on, art boy.
Let's see what you got.
Did you bring your notepad?
Going to write down "Brad Dreams"?
"Brad Got Game"?
Trying to get a piece of me?
Pass the ball!
Im ready. Bring it in!