Great to have the boys
back together again.
I was starting to miss you guys.
Fuck you.
To think that I actually cared!
Look, guys, can we put everything
behind us and move on?
Just forget about
all the bullshit?
Okay with me.
Good, let's order.
Did anyone read the blow-job
article in Cosmo this month?
Why the fuck are you reading Cosmo?
My wife keeps it
near the bathtub.
Thank God I am not married.
You don't understand.
This magazine is for women.
it has all these tips
on how to please your man.
I get it now.
You read this shit so you can
learn how to please your man.
That is funny, but no.
What Im saying is that
it's written by women.
It says things like
"one out of every three men
has latent homo-erotic fantasies".
Anyway, this article says
that chicks should make
their boyfriends
drink apple juice
before they give head.
It makes the taste better.
they would want to give
more head in the future.
-That's just bullshit.
Why are you wasting our time
with this crap?
Its better than talking about
that whacked ho' Mia.
Oh, man,
she's got you all whipped.
Excuse me!
Yeah, who's whipped?