There was one more of us.
Pardon me.
What're you--
This is her.
Can she leave with us?
Who are you calling "Pops," you punk?
Look here, kid! I'm only 25!
I'm not even married!
So watch your mouth!
She can go with you!
Call a doctor!
So I think the army was chasing
that weird kid Kaneda saw...
I think I saw him, too.
And what about Tetsuo?
Why the hell wouldn't they
tell us what hospital he's in?
What did you say?!
I was just wondering if you wanted to
grab some tea or something over there.
I figured we could have a nice,
long talk about that "revolution" deal.
Skirt-chasers will try
anything these days...
You'll help anyone so long
as it's a girl, won't you?
No way! I have high standards!
No way! I have high standards!
It's not their looks that count.
It's their... I dunno, their
sensitivity that makes me do it.
I suppose I owe you one.
Thank you very much, uh...
I'm Kaneda.
Nice to meet you.
See you around, Kaneda.
You're leaving already?
Don't be like that!
Hey, come on!
I did save you and all!
At least tell me your
name, you bitch!
I'll try talking with them for
the time being, but it's risky.
If they think you're trying to avoid taking
responsibility, it'll blow up in your face.
I can't believe that there's a
mole on the executive council.
Even if that's true...
That isn't important.
What's important is diplomacy and political
maneuvering, which you seem to despise.
I never studied them in school, you see.